home page

Center Pointe Community Church Website


I designed, coded and currently update the Center Pointe Community Church website. This site is like my training grounds and gives me a chance to try out new html/jquery/flash/wordpress ideas. The site features rotating images of upcoming events, event pages with countdowns, flickr slideshows, vimeo video galleries, desktops you can download, online wufoo forms, video testimonies, a google map of small groups, christmas pages with falling snow, a flash coloring page, and all kinds of little snippets of code. It’s a great place for me to let my creative and inquisitive mind test out the new technology that is out there.

Home page with rotating events, current sermon, and links to past events.


Small group page with link to a google map showing all the small groups in relation to where our church meets.


The media page offers desktops for download, church logos and videos.


Custom 404 page tells the story of the lost sheep from Luke chapter 4.


Marriage Matters event page has a countdown to the next event, audio from past events, online registration and a google map to the location.


Car Show event has desktops, photo gallery of the winning cars, flickr slideshow and had an online registration form.


Adventures in Center Pointe Land page offers videos of skits that were used for promoting the evnts, desktop, and flickr slideshow gallery.




Severns Valley Car Show

John from Severns Valley had seen my Cruisn’ for Christ design on my blog and contacted me to do a design with Moses for their car show. Severns Valley had shirts printed and given to the car show participants.

baptism video

Baptism Video

When I recorded this video, I was trying a new lapel type microphone out on my Kodak Zi8 camera. I was set up where I thought the pastor would be facing, but once it started, I was on the wrong side. While moving to get a better view, the microphone came out and I captured none of the testimonies each individual gave, but I didn’t know until I was processing the video. I was very upset at first, but then I had the idea to crop the individual baptisms and set it to music and the video turned out better than I expected. You can see this and my other videos on Center Pointe’s Vimeo site (vimeo.com/centerpointesc)